Our assignment was to redesign the NAC logo. The original logo was much loved, yet it was dated and fuzzy. Staff were using various old versions, and it needed higher graphic standards.
Nunavut Arctic College
- Graphic Design
- Translation
- Communications & Marketing
- Printing

Challenge: Refine a much loved logo in four languages, with other versions, all consistent with the brand.

Outcome: A refreshed logo, building on the spirit of the original logo. The look, colours and font were updated. Multiple versions were created in all official languages. A simple brand guideline was posted on the web for anyone to use, to ensure a consistent look and feel in all applications.

Ayaya creates great graphic design, using Inuit imagery and Inuktitut that is always accurate. Designing a four-language logo for NAC was challenging but the result was very well received. (Joe Adla Kunuk was a founding partner of Ayaya and president 2002-05, and has since held senior positions such as chief of staff to the premier of Nunavut and CEO of Nunavut Tunngavik. He is not a shareholder and does not derive any financial benefit from Ayaya.)
Joe Adla Kunuk
(then) President
Nunavut Arctic College