Starting with an Inuktitut translation and design of the MMIWG’s Interim Report, Ayaya’s assignment grew to include the translation, design and production of the 1,250-page Main Report into two Indigenous languages, followed by the Quebec Report into Inuktitut, and the Executive Summary into 11 Indigenous languages.
National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG)
- Translation
- Graphic Design
- Illustrations

Challenge: The largest single-document translation and design project, with the shortest timeline. Based on Ayaya's recommendations, the reports needed to be translated into Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun, Dene, Gitxsan, Innu, James Bay Cree, Plains Cree, Ojibway, OjiCree, Mi'kmaq, and Mohawk.

Outcome: On time and on budget. Meticulous translation delivered by Canada's leading Indigenous language experts. Working with a team of translators, designers, production and account managers, the 1,250-page Main Report was translated into Inuktitut and delivered in time for the national launch. The remaining translations will continue until completion.
18 reports
11 Indigenous languages
5,960 pages
852,000 words translated
Thank you so very much for the exceptional dedication that Ayaya has shown us. Members of the National Family Advisory circle were brought to tears by it, the vibrancy of the design and the hopefulness of it was what they needed.
Karine Duhamel
Director of Research
MMIWG Commission